Nanometer Technologies manufactures polishing fixture plates for all major fiber optic connectors. We also manufacture custom fixture plates to meet your customers needs.
400601 - 2.5mm Universal Polishing Fixture (24 position)
400650 - 2.5mm Universal Polishing Fixture (32 position)
400648 - 2.5mm Universal Polishing Fixture (48 position)
150100 - MT/PC (14 position) multimode
150130 - MT/PC (24 position) multimode
150150 - MT/RJ (14 position)
150120 - MT/APC (14 position) singlemode
150122 - MT/APC (24 position) singlemode
200171-1 - APC Ferrule Fixture (12 position) 8.35 degree
200175-1 - APC Ferrule Fixture (12 position) 8.00 degree
200600 - SC/APC (12 position) 8.35 degree
200610 - SC/APC (12 position) 8.00 degree
200620 - SC/APC (22 position) 8.35 degree
200630 - SC/APC (22 position) 8.00 degree
200170-1 - FC/APC (12 position) 8.35 degree
200172-1 - FC/APC (12 position) 8.00 degree
200177-1 - FC/APC (24 position) 8.35 degree conical
200178-1 - FC/APC (24 position) 8.00 degree
400701 - LC/MU (24 position)
400702-B - LC Snap-in (24 position)
400705 - LC Snap-in Duplex/Simplex (48 position)
400772 - LC Snap-in Duplex/Simplex (72 position)
400800-B - LC/APC (24 position) 8.00 degree
400801 - LC/APC (24 position) 8.35 degree
2000001 - 1.8MM V-Groove
2000002 - Snap-In LC (36 Pos)
2000003 - E2000 8.35 Deg ferrule fixture Huber & Suhner
2000004 - SMA.125" 905 type
2000005 - Custom 32 pos uni
2000007 - 8 deg v-groove array (wafer) 14 pos
2000008 - APC Ferrule Fixture 6.35 deg 12 Pos
2000009 - Wafer
20000010 - Single Step Fixture
20000011 - 14 pos 16 Fiber 8 deg MTP plate
20000012 - 36 Pos Titanium Fixture
20000016 - 14 Pos 16 Fiber MTP Plate
20000017 - E2000 8.35 Deg ferrule fixture diamond usa (R& M)
20000018 - LC APC (8.00)
20000023 - MCP-24 2mm LEVEL JIG
20000024 - 6 DEG VGROOVE MCP24
20000025 - 10 DEG VGROOVE MCP24
20000026 - .150 LEVEL JIG MCP24
20000027 - 29504 24 pos ( same as 46 plate for MCP12)
20000029 - Custom 24 Pos
20000030 - Custom 32 pos uni
20000031 - 24 POS CUSTOM SLIDER FOR UNI-24
20000035 - MCP24 0 Deg V-Groove
20000036 - Ferrule Leveling Jig
20000039 - MCP24 0 Deg V-Groove (Short Ferrule)
20000040 - Ferrule Leveling Jig
20000042 - 1mm Leveling Jig
20000043 - MCP24 2.5mm 0 Deg V-Groove
20000044 - 2.5mm Level Jig
20000045 - 1 Piece Escon Fixture Snap-In
NMT400615 - ST/PC amp overmolded connector design (24 pos)
20000052 - 24 position Fixture Plate (illuminating plate)
20000053 - slider for 20000052 (illuminating plate)
20000054 - APC Polish Fixture for PHD termini (18 pos) for MCP24
20000055 - level jig for 0 deg v-groove.0040' for p/n (20000041)
20000056 - 400601 base plate (new plate w/o p/n to be built)
20000057 - 29504/5 s;ider fixter /same as 46 for MCP12
20000061 - MCP24 Plastic Optical Fiber-32 pos
20000062 - MCP24 Radiall Luxcis Termini
20000063 - MCP24 Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)
20000064 - MCP24 Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)
20000068 - MCP24 Bare Fiber fixture
20000069 - Metal Connector
20000070 - Radial Luxis Termini MCP12 (12 pos) slider
20000071 - SC/APC 8 deg
20000077 - lc/mu 400701 with lower ferrule nipple
20000084 - lc/apc ferrule fixture (custom)
20000089 - 8.35 apc fixture for mu/apc MCP24
200173-1 - 2.5 apc ferrule fixture 11 degrees
20000094 - Dual v-groove fixture every other flat ever other 4.5 degrees
20000098 - TFOCA II plate 1/4 inch bottom plate longer ferrule
20000099 - 0 degree vgroove (2mm - 1.25mm ferrule)
20000101 - regular 14 pos very shallow groove small connector
20000102 - TFOCAII plate 3/16 thickness for 6.30mm ferrule
400801 - 8.35 LC/APC polishing fixture
400705 - 48 pos lc snap in plate f
20000101 - regular 14 pos very shallow groove small connector
20000115 - APC ferrule fixture Lancer
20000116 - APC ferrule fixture Lancer
200700 - SC/APC custom 24 pos. plate
20000122 - Leveling jig
20000126 - Avago HFBR connectors
20000127 - sllider
21111128 - T-Foca II 24 pos rotary fixture 2.5mm ferrule
20000129 - 0'degree v-groove same as 41 but 18 pos instead of 14 pos
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.